Customer Service - 888 266 9900

Shipping Policy

Please allow 1-2 days for your order to be processed for shipping. We make every effort to fulfill orders as quickly as possible.
Most orders are delivered within 5-7 days (exclude Saturday and Sunday).
Delays in delivery can occasionally occur around public holidays or at times because of unforeseen circumstances, but we do our best to provide timely deliveries to all our customers.
Once the order is shipped, the tracking information is shared with the customer.
URBAN QRAFT accept all major debit & credit cards (including MasterCard, Visa, RuPay), UPI and also provide Net Banking options across major Indian banks.
Currently, we are not offering Cash on Delivery.

We believe in customer satisfaction. So we allow refund for production defect products within 10 working days. No headaches or hassles.
We arrange a pickup in 4-5 working days from the date of request.
Refund shall be made through the original payment mode within 5-7 business days.
Customer needs to wrap the products in the original packing they arrived in. All returns must be in their original and purchased condition

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